Tax-Deductible Donations to MCEP support Maasai in Kenya
Since 2004 MCEP has sponsored water, education and cultural awareness projects with the Maasai in Kenya.
Since 2004 MCEP has sponsored water, education and cultural awareness projects with the Maasai in Kenya.
7-minute "QUENCH" Trailer
I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support on the project of sanitary towels to keep our girls in school. May almighty God bless you and I wish you a happy new year.
Maasai Cultural Exchange Project (MCEP) aims to support the culture of the Maasai and sponsors water, education and cultural awareness projects with the Maasai in Kenya.
Make Checks Payable to: MCEP
Mailing Address: 2222 Brittany Point
Lansdale, PA 19446 USA
December 2018
Dear Friends of MCEP,
For the past fourteen years, your donations have given the Maasai of Kenya hope for a better standard of living through education, clean water and empowerment of women. The Maasai now have seven wells, miles of pipeline and hundreds of cisterns to provide potable water daily and during times of drought and famine. MCEP donors have provided support for primary education to hundreds of Maasai children and many secondary and university students are also funded by our donors. MCEP founder, Phyllis Eckelmeyer received the Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce Humanitarian Lifetime Achievement Award for her work with the Maasai and wishes to thank and include the community in this achievement.
This past October and November, two Maasai women and two Maasai men visited the United States representing the Kenyan government of Kajiado. They were led by Francis ole Sakuda, recently appointed to County Secretary and Board of Public Service. The Maasai focus was to outline goals in the development of a public University in Kajiado. They first met with the University of Massachusetts and were then hosted by MCEP in Doylestown and introduced to faculty, leaders and students from Delaware Valley University, the Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce and the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. Valuable discussions and ideas were shared in regard to university studies, trade, culture, domestic and wild animals and student exchange programs. The Maasai are encouraging job growth especially for youth and women and want to share knowledge regarding animal husbandry, beekeeping, tourism and development of international business.
Please consider continued support for the Maasai through tax exempt donations to MCEP. All donations are gratefully appreciated.
You may also designate your gift for:
Water: well- $40,000, cistern-$500, pipeline $100
Education: primary-$150, H.S.-$750 /yr.
Feminine Hygiene: $100/yr-provide sanitary napkins for 10 girls who would otherwise miss 12 weeks of school each year.
Please make tax exempt checks payable to: MCEP
Mail to: 4391 Mechanicsville Rd. Doylestown, PA 18902
Ashe oleng (thank you very much),
MCEP committee member
34-minute Documentary Film
Maasai tribe in Kenya drill deep-well "borehole" to benefit: community, tribe, schools and education, churches, safe house for girls, cultivation, greenhouse, and livestock and wildlife. The Maasai Cultural Exchange Project (MCEP) aims to help tribal villages in Kenya, East Africa dig wells to provide clean and reliable water, and provide school fees for the education of women and children.
Maasai Cultural Exchange Project (MCEP) aims to support the culture of the Maasai and sponsors water, education and cultural awareness projects with the Maasai in Kenya.
Since 2004 The Maasai Cultural Exchange Project (MCEP) has helped "quench the thirst for water and education" for Maasai tribal villages in Kenya, East Africa. Our primary fund raising supports wells to provide clean and reliable water and providing school fees for the education of adults and children. The film fund supported the production of the feature length documentary "Quench" filmed in Kenya. MCEP works in association with Simba Maasai Outreach Organization (SIMOO) a Kenyan NGO, to directly benefit a community of approximately 5,000 Maasai in the village of Olosho-oibor. Our Maasai friends have visited the US to attend the United Nations Forum on Indigenous People's Affairs and make numerous community presentations about the Maasai culture.
Donations to MCEP provide on-going projects in education and water development. We look back with both gratitude and pride for the support of our local community in funding projects for our Maasai friends. We are happy to report that our 7th well is now completed. Many miles of pipeline have been laid to transport water to schools, churches and infirmaries. Also funded were cisterns for water storage and greenhouses to grow vegetables increasing sustainable food sources for people and livestock.
Tax-deductible donations to the Maasai Cultural Exchange Project (MCEP) has sponsored water, education and cultural awareness projects with the Maasai in Kenya. Well Fund donations from US individuals support the drilling of "bore holes" in the Kenyan bush country known as Maasailand. In the Ngong Hills region the average bore hole depth is approximately 600 feet. The estimated cost to drill a well is $40,000, which includes government permits, surveys, pump, cistern and diesel generator. MCEP received funds for our first well drilling in December 2005. Since 2004 donations have been contributed for seven wells with a goal of ten to directly benefit the culture and communities of Maasai in the vicinity of Olosho-oibor Kenya.
If you have questions please feel free to send us a message.
We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Doylestown, Pennsylvania, United States
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